Testing Policies for Students
- The student must provide an original Photo ID. Photocopies will not be accepted. (Acceptable: valid driver’s license, valid passport, student identification card, military identification card, current alien registration card, Tribal ID card, employment identification card with a photo, Department of Public Safety identification card, Matricula Consular.)
- The student must know the instructor’s name, course number, section number and test/quiz number if not taking a college entrance exam.
- All cell phones, pagers, smart watches and any other electronics, especially those that connect to the internet must be turned completely off and placed in a pocket, purse or book bag. No Exceptions. (If the student is expecting an emergency type phone call, the student may call the intended caller and give them the number to campus police, who will relay any emergency message.) Once in the lab students cannot go into a purse, book bag/backpack or pocket.
- No food, gum chewing or drinks are allowed in the Test Center.
- No hats, caps or headwear of any type may be worn in the testing labs, without official documentation submitted to the Director, in advance of the testing date.
- Purses must be closed completely and placed under the desk; if the purse cannot close it must be placed in the bookcase. (Small wallets may be placed on the desktop.)
- Once in the lab students cannot go into a purse, book bag/backpack or pocket.
- Bring appropriate items for testing as designated by the Instructor. (scratch paper, scantron answer sheet, calculator, pencil, pen etc.)
- Children are not allowed in the Test Center. Children cannot be left unattended in the lobby area. (Test Center staff members are required to call campus police if children are left unattended.)
- If it is determined that you have used unauthorized materials at your desk or that you are looking at a test other than your own, your test will be collected from you. An “Irregularities Form” will be completed and a copy sent to you at the address on file, your instructor, the department dean and the Vice President of Student Development. (It is up to your instructor and the policy of that particular division as to what are the ramifications for that particular exam.)
If a student is caught twice in the Test Center using unauthorized material, the student will be barred from using the Test Center for the rest of the current semester and the next semester. Students taking a college entrance exam will have their scores voided; the exam is non-refundable. Pending the level of the irregularity, the situation may warrant possible suspension. The re-test fee is $10.00 per section.
- Do not take any testing materials with you when you leave the Testing Center. This includes the test, answers, charts, scratch paper. These items will be attached to your test.
- Students should allow plenty of time to complete tests. Do not wait until the last minute to sign in for a test. Plan your time wisely. Test copies may not be available late in the day, causing you to miss the test deadline!
- Cutoff time for administration is mandated by the wall clock located in the entry way. This policy is strictly enforced.
- All exams will be collected at the closing time designated for that day. No Exceptions. The staff is required to call campus police if the student does not comply.
We operate in a quiet, user-friendly environment. All staff members are well-trained, friendly and eager to assist you.
The last online/instructional test is given out 1 hour and 20 minutes before closing time – plan ahead!
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further inquiry. (972-238-6160)