Online Dance Appreciation

Online Dance Appreciation: DANC 2303

DANC 2303 is a part of the core curriculum and guaranteed to transfer. Online flex times range from six, eight, and twelve week courses. Taught by full-time professor of Dance, Gina Sawyer, this course is designed to cultivate an appreciation for diverse dance images examining social inequities, performances of gender and culture, and their manifestations in performance. No previous experience required.

Gina Sawyer’s graduate research and current pedagogy include effective practices for online course design and delivery in Dance Appreciation. She is the first to create studies in online Dance Appreciation for the Richland College Dance Program and in the Dallas County Community College District. Online lectures are rich in both visual images and dance performance in a variety of styles and contexts.

In collaboration with the Richland College Library, Gina created the Dance Libguide. This is a “go to” source to service Richland students in writing, documentation, and dance research. It houses scholarly online resources that include dictionaries and handbooks, encyclopedias, indexes, periodicals. Links are also included to professional dance websites that house dance videos. Please take a few minutes to browse through the Dance LibGuide and discover new possibilities to enhance your viewing and writing in researching dance.

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