Mental Health Emergencies

Off Campus: The Counseling staff does NOT provide 24-hour coverage. If you are experiencing an actual mental health emergency and need immediate assistance call:

  1. 911, state you are having a mental health crisis
  2. ADAPT Community Solutions Crisis Line 1-866-260-8000
  3. (214) 828-1000 Suicide and Crisis Hotline

On Campus during operational hours:

  1. Go to the Lakeside Resource Center in E082 El Paso Hallway (972-238-3771) and the receptionist will connect you with a counselor or go to the Health Center in T-110 (972-238-6135).
  2. Speak to a Richland College employee and ask them to contact a personal counselor.
  3. Use the emergency call boxes located in each hallway to call College Police and ask them to CALL a personal counselor.