Rights and Responsibilities of Students with Disabilities
As a student you have the right:
- To an accessible postsecondary education; meaning that you have the right, if qualified, to participate in all courses, programs, services and activities
- To an equal opportunity to learn, and to receive reasonable and appropriate accommodations
- To appropriate confidentiality of all disability-related information, except as required by law
- To be evaluated on ability not disability
- To information in accessible format(s)
- To all rights and privileges available to other students in the DCCCD
As a student you have the responsibility:
- To meet the college’s qualifications and maintain essential technical, academic, and institutional standards for courses, programs, and activities
- To self-identify as an individual with a disability when accommodations are needed to:
- request information and assistance in a timely manner
- follow procedures for obtaining the accommodations
- To demonstrate and/or provide professional documentation (from a qualified professional) supporting the requested accommodation, which shows how your disability affects an activity, instructional method or an evaluation criteria
- To comply with the college’s Student Code of Conduct as published in the college catalog
In this document the term “Accommodation” includes: academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, adaptive equipment, and services.